womenallianceorg@gmail.com +265 (0) 882409017

Welcome to WAO

A non-profitable relief and development organisation that works to save lives, promote self-reliance and dignity through social economic empowerment, capacity buildings and advocacy.



Capacity Building


Target Beneficiaries

Youth (Girls and Boys)



Target T/As

Chiwao, Nazombe, Nkhulambe, Jenala, Mkumba and Kaduya


We envision to see a transformed society built on love, justice and peace in which citizens live in respect and care for the individual’s integrity and have opportunities to develop themselves

Mission statement

To save lives, promote self-reliance and dignity through human transformation going beyond relief and development and Working together for sustainable change.


  • To promote a culture of self-reliance among people through sustainable livelihood activities that generate income and social capital leading to the attainment of better standards among the young people.
  • To build leadership skills through empowerment and building of social-economic capabilities.
  • To coordinate and collaborate with other women-led organizations to formulate a joint effort to fight against increased discrimination and abandonment of women and excluded groups in the society.
  • To ensure gender equality to foster social behavioural change at community level and enhance the promotion of women’s participation.


Project Coordinator Florence Kaluma discusing with young women, adolescent girls and boys on Sexual reproductive health and rights in T/A Mkhumba.



Executive Director Memory Kamanga making a presentation to Phalombe CSO network quarterly meeting.



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Contact Us


Phalombe District
(Opposite Phalombe District Health Offices)




0994629688 / 0882409017

Open Hours:

Mon-Fri: 8AM - 5PM