About Us
Women Alliance Organization (WAO) is a non-profitable relief and development organisation that works to save lives, promote self-reliance and dignity through social economic empowerment, capacity buildings and advocacy.
WAO is committed to empowering and promoting the livelihoods of rural women and girls with emphasis on improving their living standards and fighting to eliminate all forms of abuses they face due to their vulnerabilities and low income generation which limits their prosperity in a society.

The Organisation founded by a group of women and girls in 2020 in T/A Nazombe who were affected by disasters and were allocated to various camps in Phalombe district. While at the camp sites they were abused and victimised, and for them it was hard to have access to humanitarian aid and other essential services because they were forced to exchange their bodies with relief items but refused, thus why they formed the organisation.
Despite that ,they also realised and observed that Women and girls have been discriminated both socially and economically in communities as a result their social economic status continued to be lowered hence the increase dependency syndromes and vulnerability levels among them resulted into violation of their human rights and subjected them to all forms of gender based violence. So the organisation exist to bridge the gaps.
The organisation got fully registered on 19th August 2021 with register general under the Trustees incorporation rules (CAP.5:03) registration number TR/INC10324.
Organization Expectations
We exist to believe that community members including vulnerable and marginalised groups specifically women and girls have the energy, creativity and will to do things differently in their lifetime to develop themselves and their nation. They are an asset to the development of their communities and with the right guidance and support they can become influential citizens of positive minds and contribute in solving the global challenges.
Target Beneficiaries
- Youth (Girls and Boys)
- Women
We are reaching out to all six T/As in Phalombe District;
- Chiwao.
- Nazombe.
- Nkhulambe.
- Jenala.
- Mkumba.
- Kaduya.

We envision to see a transformed society built on love, justice and peace in which citizens live in respect and care for the individual’s integrity and have opportunities to develop themselves
Mission statement
To save lives, promote self-reliance and dignity through human transformation going beyond relief and development and Working together for sustainable change.
- To promote a culture of self-reliance among people through sustainable livelihood activities that generate income and social capital leading to the attainment of better standards among the young people.
- To build leadership skills through empowerment and building of social-economic capabilities.
- To coordinate and collaborate with other women-led organizations to formulate a joint effort to fight against increased discrimination and abandonment of women and excluded groups in the society.
- To ensure gender equality to foster social behavioural change at community level and enhance the promotion of women’s participation.
Approach and Project Activities
- WAO will undertake interventions on community sensitization and mobilization for GBV and SRHR Services for adolescents and women.
- Provision of mentorship support to youth groups on good governance, Sexual Reproductive and Human Rights(SRHR) and HIV related messages.
- Provision of School Uniform to Needy Pupils/students in various Schools in the district.
- Establishment of women/girls group in order to be discussing issues which affect them.
- Gender Department
- Education and Youth Department
- Health and Social Welfare Department
- Information
- Agriculture and Department of Disaster and Risk Management including all relevant actors both at district and Nation level
Our Team
The Secretariat

Memory Kamanga
Executive Director
Florence Kaluwa
Project CoordinatorDolin Mwangata
Finance and Administration OfficerBoard Members

Ritta Norma Makwangwala
Board Chairperson
Elizabeth Ndemunga
Vice Chairperson
Emmie Kwelengwe
Emmanuel Kapwanya
Board Member